Cactus Cup 19 Feb: LAST CHANCE
Lunch registration is now available on the RMYS website. This is a very popular event and a lunch registration is required. Please remember that lunch is FOC to crews of boats competing in the Cactus Cup race. All other registrations are $10pp. LUNCH REGISTRATIONS
Jennifer Goldsmith: Unfortunately we have had to cancel the formal lunch. Presentations will still be held after the race in the Olympic bar
Safety Declarations: later in the year AS will require all clubs to undertake safety audits on all vessels entered into a race season. This will be a big job as you can imagine and with limited auditors, this will take a while. What is expected of you? This is a good time to look at your audit system, you will be required to submit a fully completed audit form before booking in an onsite audit. Your audit must be thorough and you must have checked all items and know where they are before arranging an audit. The auditor will expect to see all your items out and easily accessible on the day, you will need to be onsite during the audit and be able to answer questions about your boat as required. Further information will soon be available on the RMYS website but in the meantime please start thinking about how you will do your audit and start planning when you will undertake it. We are also looking at an online system that will make the process easier for bot skippers and Auditors. More information will be available over the next couple of weeks.
Boat duty roster reminder: Dates have been updated please check
Please ensure you check when you are rostered for boat duty and always confirm your attendance with Colin.
The boat duty roster can be found at the following link.
Volunteers needed:
Upcoming dates where volunteers are needed: please contact Colin on with your availability
If you can help, please contact Colin at
Upcoming Dates:
15/02/22 – Twilight Race 5
19/02/22 – Cactus Cup
– Vic Trailable Day 1 TBC
20/02/22 – Jennifer Goldsmith
– Vic Trailable Day 2 TBC
26/02/22 – Doc Bennell hosted by HBYC
Full results can be seen at
Wednesday 9th: Abandoned
Saturday 12th: Big Bay Challenge
Only a small fleet this year with Congratulations to BUCK and the team for taking out1st place PHS
Saturday 12th: ORCV Coastal Sprint RESULTS
Volunteers: help is still needed.
Check out our Volunteer page to see what it’s all about… the club needs you.