Training Members take on S80 State Titles

With the purchase of the S80s, we can expand our training offers to our training membership to incorporate regattas and racing. This year we are taking a team of training members to the S80 States, held this weekend 5th & 6th March. Espresso will be our boat, and the crew for the regatta will be Frans Oelofse, Rochelle Carins, Michelle Davey, Jonas Haderlein, with Colin Skippering and training. This is a fantastic opportunity, and we have had three successful training dates so far, so we should be relatively competitive, but the aim is to successfully get around the course without breaking anything while flying the RMYS Training flag and learning more about sailing. Remember to wish the team luck if you see them. The results will be posted at

Radio Courses

A person holding a marine radio on a boat

We have two dates for the radio course held at RMYS.Long Range (VHF & HF) 17th & 24th March 6.30pm -9.30pm includes exam
Short Range (VHF) 4th & 11th April 6.30pm -9.30pm  includes exam


Morning Briefing

Over the last few weeks, we have had groups from Albert Park college coming to the club on a Monday undertaking a youth training program. With RMYS being their local club, many are interested in doing more sailing outside of the school, looking at weekend training, and possibly joining the Junior Squad.
We are now also the home to the Xiaver Collge racing team Div 1  And Div 2 team, who train Monday afternoons under the watchful eye of Patrick Walby. It’s great to see them back at our club.
The training has been busy, with a regular flow of inquiries coming in and courses filling fast. The only limitation we have is the lack of instructors on the bay. We have a great team so far, but we are always looking for more.