Royal Yacht Club of Victoria

Classic Summer Race 8 (pursuit)

Royal Yacht Club of Victoria 120 Nelson Pl, Williamstown, VIC, Australia

Time subject to confirmation with host club NoR - RMYS Classics SIs - CYAA Safety Category - 7

Range Day 3

Royal Yacht Club of Victoria 120 Nelson Pl, Williamstown, VIC, Australia

Times subject to confirmation NoR & SIs - Australian Sailing

Classic Winter Race 4 (Pursuit)

Royal Yacht Club of Victoria 120 Nelson Pl, Williamstown, VIC, Australia

Time subject to confirmation with host club NoR - RMYS Classics SIs - CYAA Safety Category - 7

Classic Winter Race 9 (Pursuit)

Royal Yacht Club of Victoria 120 Nelson Pl, Williamstown, VIC, Australia

Time subject to confirmation with host club NoR - RMYS Classics SIs - CYAA Safety Category - 7

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